Here’s where you’ll find the coding lessons. Each CDL (CoDing-Lesson) corresponds to the chapter and section of “Statistical Inference” that matches the theory lesson it’s intended to supplement. Lessons that aren’t intended to supplement a theory lesson will have a chapter number of 0.

You can click on the categories in the table to auto-scroll to the corresponding section.

CDL 0.1

Lesson R-0-1: Prologue: Obtaining R

less than 1 minute read

Pretty soon we’re gonna need to write some code. Luckily, I’m here to teach you how to do it! We’re gonna start by installing R and RStudio. Then, we’ll g...

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CDL 1.2

Lesson R-1-2-6: Counting

less than 1 minute read

This is the coding supplement to theory lesson 1-2-6. If you’re on mobile, view this lesson here: Lesson R-1-2-6: Counting. You can also download the code ...

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